The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 39)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 39)
It would not be sufficient to find that in the production process
Palestinians seem to occupy proletarian places and represent an increase
in the size of proletarian locations in the production process that are
shared by Jews and Arabs, It is necessary to examine the extent to which
these shared locations are internally segmented and by what criteria.
For this purpose, we try to identify by what source of capital each popu-
lation group tends to be employed, and where they are located in relation
to ideological-political domination/subordination.
By answering these five questions posed above, we illustrate the for-
mation of a Palestinian working class in Israel, Unless the forces under-
lying this process are identified, it remains unclear whether what appears
to be class formation is, in fact, a structural change and therefore per-
manent, not temporary.
III. Explanatory Aspects of the Study
A. Theory and Method:
As a study of development and class formation, dialectical materialism
is the most appropriate theoretical/methodological frame of analysis. Dia-
lectical materialism is the method which identifies the laws of motion as
ones that lay in the unity of materially-contradictory tendencies inherent
in the essence of phenomenon, both social and natural.?>
From this perspective, development is conceived to be not a linear
process, but rather as the successive disclosure of objective (not logical)
contradictions. Dialectical materialism, thus, rejects both the notion of
linearity and the notion of equilibrium,
Class formation may denote reproduction, expansion, liquidation, or
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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