The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 46)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 46)
- المحتوى
strategy. This reinterpretation of Borochovism is the subject of the fol-
lowing chapter. We outline it here only to point out the methodological
rationale. Underlying our choice of the Borochovist Labor-Zionist formula-
tion are the following:
(1) We wish to argue that Labor-Zionism is essentially bourgeois
and implementable only on capitalist development lines, and it is our re-
search strategy, therefore, to show that Borochovism, the very extreme left,
which in fact incorporates dialectical materialist methods, is itself bour-
geois in character.
(2) This way, we try to expose the apparent and misleading logical
contradiction that the proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel against
the historically ideological commitment for exclusive Jewish proletariani-
zation presents to the Israeli public and other observers of this process.
We try to expose it as an objective contradiction emerging precisely from
the implementation of Borochovism. That is, treating from a dialectical
materialist perspective the classical development planning question: the
question of disparities between planning objectives and consequences. In
planning theory, this question is treated mechanically, in terms either of
logical contradiction (inconsistency in the theory and/or plan), or of
implementation error. At best, explanations are sought in incongruities
between the theory and the environmental world in which the theory was
practiced.” The possibility of objective contradiction emerging from the
unity of materially opposing tendencies suggested by the dialectical mater-
ialist method is not subject ot consideration.
Our analysis of Borochovism focuses precisely on identifying the
materially contradictory tendencies, the unity of which it objectively - تاريخ
- ١٩٧٨
- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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