The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 47)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 47)
embodies. The objective materially contradictory tendencies inherent in
socialist Zionism (Borochovism) lie in its simultaneously capitalist and
sectarian character, that it embodies capitalist relations of production
which are also exclusively Jewish. This is quite different from the radical
critique of Borochovism, which points out inconsistencies between theory
and reality and, at best, the logical contradiction and objective infeasi-
bility of the essential unity of Zionism and socialism, which it is claimed
to embody. We argue that the underlined, however, are not the materially
contradictory tendencies objectively embodied in socialist Zionism; no
socialist element or tendency is embodied in "socialist" Zionism. Social-
ist Zionism is objectively bourgeois.
This is to indicate the methodological value for development theory
that can be derived from the analysis of Borochovism in this study: this
is applying the dialectical materialist method to a case study of a de-
velopment plan (or theory of action) which, itself, incorporates the dia-
lectical materialist method.
(3) Furthermore, this is also an exercise in class-analysis of the
content of development plans/theories independently of the planner's inten-
(4) Borochovism is an appropriate case for illustrating the rota-
tion and unity of the economic, the political, and the ideological in the
development process, or, using Engel's words, that:
" ..political, religious, philosophical, etc., development is
based on economic development. But all these interact upon
one another and also upon the economic bases, It is not that
the economic situation is cause solely active, while every-
thing else is only passive effect, there is rather interac-
tion on the basis of economic necessity, which ultimately
always asserts itself," 44
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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