The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 48)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 48)
(5) Finally, the analysis of Borochovism in the context of this
study clearly exposes the relations between objective forces and subjective
forces in the development process; how specific material conditions give
rise to a particular form of consciousness, in turn affects material condi-
tions. Concretely, this will illustrate how the inevitable consolidation
of capitalism on a world-scale gives birth to Labor-Zionism in Diaspora,
and in Israel puts an end to it. From illustrating the latter, it would
follow that the story of the proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel
and the story of the rise and decline of Labor-Zionism are two faces of
the same coin,
All the points mentioned above as the underlying methodological ration-
ale for the choice of Borochovism are imperative for comprehending causes
and implications of the proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel today.
IV. The Limits of the Study
A. Limits of Subject
Transplanted as a sectarian settler-colonial formation in Palestine,
Israel represents a unique capitalist development case. Development liter-
ature based on the analysis of concrete development processes in Third
World countries, advanced capitalist countries, or socialist countries,
has, if any, very little relevance to the Israeli case. The uniqueness
of Israel's development, in turn, limits the extent to which generaliza-
tions can be validly made from this study. This problem, however, is
offset by the essentially practical purpose of the study, Any practical
use that this study may have depends largely on the extent to which it
captures the specificity of the concrete conditions involved,
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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