The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 49)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 49)
In advance, we emphasize that as a study of only one aspect of class
formation, namely, the formation of a Palestinian working class, this re-
search, despite its practical orientation, is of little value to political
practice unless complemented by an up-to-date analysis of other aspects of
class formation in Israel and of the class distribution of Palestinians
in Israel and exile.’
B. Limits of method
The theoretical background for this study is dialectical materialisn,
a paradigm which is universally applicable. Despite this, our task pre-
sents a methodological problem, namely, the theoretical concepts available
in relevant literature have not been developed in analysis of the novel
settler-colonial formation which Israel represents, Therefore, these con-
cepts must be reworked for the concrete case being studied. While this is
necessary in any concrete case, the settler-colonial social formation is
not one which has been analyzed elsewhere.
In the literature developed in the analysis of the Palestinian-Israeli
context we are unaware of an adequate treatment of this problem and the at~
tempt to provide more appropriate concepts. The fact that this study is,
itself, done abroad in a context alien to its content, does not allow for
development of such concepts.
These limits of method may, yet, involve a positive effect in the
sense that only in the context of the general or universal can the specific
be more adequately comprehended. Further, it is only when the specific is
analyzed in terms of generalizable concepts that it may become of value to
general theory.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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