The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 57)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 57)
- المحتوى
N. Poulantzas, "On Social Classes," New Left Review, No, 78, 1973,
p. 38.
Poulantzas, Classes... op.cit., p. 24.
Karl Marx, "The German Ideology," in Selected Works, Vol. 1, London,
Lawrence and Wishart, 1962, p. 47. Quoted from Vicente Navarro, The
Political Economy of Social Security and Medical Care in the USSR,
Unpublished Manuscript, 1975.
Examples from history are abundant. A classical example is the alli-
ance between the Kuo Ming Tang, representing feudalism, and the peas—
ant and proletariat in the early stages of China's Revolution.
"A social formation is dominated and dependent when the articulation
of its specific economic, political, and ideological structure ex-
presses constitutive and asymmetrical relationships with one or more
other social formations which enjoy a position of power over it,”
Manuel Castells, La Question Urbane, Paris, 1972, pp. 62 ff. Quoted
by Poulantzas, op.cit., p. 43.
The subjective conditions for actual proletarian alliances involves
revolutionary proletarian consciousness (ideology) and an autonomous
party of class struggle.
Poulantzas, op.cit., p. 24.
This problematique is very concretely illustrated in a study of the
boundaries of social classes in the United States by Erik Olin Wright,
"Class Boundaries in Advanced Capitalist Societies," in New Left Re-
view, No. 98, August, pp. 3-42.
For an example, see Jomo Sundaram, Class Formation in Malaya: Capi-
tal, the State and Uneven Development (Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis,
Harvard University, Department of Sociology, December, 1977).
For example, Francesca Freedman, "The Internal Structure of the Pro-
letariat,"' Socialist Revolution, No. 26.
Poulantzas, Classes...op.cit., and "On Social Classes," op.cit.
Ibid e
Harry Braverman, (3) Labor and Monopoly Capital - the Degregation of
Work in the Twentieth Century, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1974.
Based on the review of the various Marxist positions by Wright, op.
cit. - تاريخ
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- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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