The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 63)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 63)
as a territorial solution to the Jewish question defined in terms of land-
lessness. The essentially settler-colonial character of Zionism was ex-
plicitly identified even by Ber Borochov, the founding father of "socialist"
Zionism. From Borochov's Selected Writings:
"The Jewish problem migrates with the Jews....Emigration alone
does not solve the Jewish problem....For that reason, Jewish
immigration and any other national immigration tend towards
compact settlements....The Jewish petty bourgeoisie and working
masses are confronted by two needs. The impossibility of pene-
trating into higher levels of production creates the need for
concentrated immigration into undeveloped country, Instead of
being limited to the final levels of production, as is the case
in all other countries, the Jews could, in a short time, assume
the leading positions in the economy of the new land. Jewish
migration must be transformed from immigration into coloniza—
tion. This means a territorial solution of the Jewish problem."
(emphasis mine)
Moreover, indicating the imperative of colonial settlement for the
realization of Zionism, Borochov adds:
"From a political point of view, propaganda is less productive
than action. Create facts and more facts -~- that is the corner—
stone of political strategy....The practical colonization work
in Palestine...has created those facts which have paved the road
for our present status, No matter how small and weak the Jewish
colonies might be, no matter how great the shortcomings in their
system of colonization -- they did more towards enlightening the
Jewish nation than a thousand beautifully-worded programs and
diplomatic negotiations. A fallen shomer plays a greater role
in the realization of Zionism than all declaration." 1
The review of settler-colonialism in this chapter is thus not to demon-
strate Israel's settler-colonial character, but rather to put Israel as a
settler-colonial phenomenon in the proper and more general historical con-
text of uneven development of capitalism on a world scale. Placing the
theoretical/ideological foundation of Israel in the context of monopoly
formation as a manifestation of uneven development, of the rising tendency
of the organic composition of capital, is also identifying the material
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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