The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 66)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 66)
internalized it as its own consciousness or ideological "sub-ensemble".
Zionism does not represent the genuine consciousness of the petty bour-
geoisie. Borochovism, however, is a formulation of a bourgeois strategy
in terms that appeal to the petty bourgeois tendencies and class interest,
specifically reproduction of the past or bourgeois transformation of its
petty bourgeois origins.
In The Jewish Question; A Marxist Interpretation, Abram Leon makes
a strong case for Zionism as being the class consciousness of the Jewish
petty bourgeoisie,
Although agreeing with him in the past, now after completing the
analysis of Borochovism in the preceding chapter, we come to realize that
this view is imprecise. It is hard not to be misled by Borochov that his
represents the class interests of the "proletarizing" Jewish petty bour-
geois masses, although it is much easier to realize that it is not prole-
tarian. It helps to clarify here some confusion awaiting the reader in
our argument on this point: although Zionism in all its forms originates
in the class consciousness of the bourgeoisie, in all its postulates it
appeals to the fraction of the petty bourgeoisie aspiring to become bour-
geois. However, the Borochovist formula coincides with and appeals to
the aspiration of a wider range of the petty bourgeoisie, including those
aspiring to restore their class origins or simply to seek secure prole-
tarian employment.
The novel interpretation of Borochovism that is to be presented here
identifies the role of self-labor in his strategy for actualizing the
Jewish State. We see the essence of Borochovism and its distinctive fea-
ture as being the imperative of Jewish proletarianization by Jewish capi-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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