The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 67)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 67)
tal, namely, Jewish capitalist relations of production; i.e,, Jewish
class struggle, specifically Jewish antagonism between a Jewish prole-
tariat and a Jewish bourgeoisie as the material prerequisites for a State
which is Jewish and bourgeois, It is for this emphasis on exclusive Jew-
ish proletarianization and class struggle that it is often interpreted
as proletarian in character, and we argue that it is precisely for these
reasons that it is bourgeois in character.
We further argue that it is precisely in this task that it is pre-
cisely this strategy that derives from dialectical materialism. From the
formal structure of the Marxist conception of the rise of the bourgeois
State, but transposed to utterly different conditions from those depicted
in the historical materialist account of the rise of the bourgeois social
formation. In effect, Borochov was seeking to simulate a process of de-
velopment using insights of a dialectical materialist kind.
This analysis of Borochov's socialist or proletarian Zionism provides
for a different interpretation of the emphasis on replacing, as opposed
to exploiting, the indigenous labor force which is said to distinguish
Jewish colonial settlement in Palestine from other cases of settler-
colonialism (say, South Africa), and which has special bearing on the pro-
letarianization of Palestinians in the past. It also sheds a new light on
the underlying causes of Palestinian proletarianization in the present.
In the following, we try to show how Borochovism constitutes a development
plan for Israel's sectarian settler-colonial social formation, as a neces-
sary background for identifying current formations that are related to the
proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel today.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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