The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 69)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 69)
(periodization) of capitalism are viewed here as manifestations of the es-
sential unevenness of capitalist development: In its early competitive
stage following the Industrial Revolution, capitalism gave rise to classi-
cal colonialism, characterized by the actual presence of colonial adminis-
tration; an extension of the capitalist state apparatus in the metropolis.
The colonial state in the colony as strictly administrative, its top posi-
tions being monopolized by metropolitan colonial administrators, both civil-
ian and military, relying on indigenous semi-feudal and tribal leaders as
collaborators in the pursuit of raw material and surplus-value extraction
in behalf of the metropolitan bourgeoisie.
Competitive struggle among capitalists becomes, itself, an agent of
concentration; "free' competition thus leads into monopoly formation, its
very opposite. The emergence of monopoly capitalism represents a differ-
ent stage in the development of capitalism, said to be the highest.
In its highest stage, the stage of monopoly, capitalism gave rise to
a new form of foreign domination concomitant with or following decoloni-
zation. To distinguish it from capitalist colonialism in the previous
stage, it is called neo-colonialism. This is capitalist, as opposed to pre-
capitalist, imperialism. It is characterized precisely by the absence of
colonial state superstructure. Political, economic, and ideological domi-
nation/subordination exercised directly through the alliance between clas-
ses formed by earlier colonialism in pre-capitalist social formations and
the international bourgeoisie. Neo-colonialism, thus, operates under the
very guise of political independence in the post-colonial nation-states,
subordinating them to its ultimate objective, the internationalization of
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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