The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 70)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 70)
It is precisely this transition (from capitalism of competition to
capitalism of monopoly) that provided the objective and subjective condi-
tions for the rise of settler colonialism. The three forms of modern
colonial policy thus correspond to three different periods in the develop-
ment of capitalism; settler colonialism, however, unlike classical colonial-
ism and neo-colonialism, corresponds to a period which is essentially tran-
sitional. Does it, therefore, follow that the actual settler colonial
formations in Africa and the Middle East, for example, are necessarily
transitional phenomena? In other words, does this transitional origin put
in question the long-term viability of settler colonialism? Are the cur-
rent transformations in the balance of forces within white settler colonial
regimes in Africa and in the class nature of Israel indicative of transen-
dance of settler colonialism, as it is becoming historically superfluous
and potentially an impediment to the restoration of the international
hegemony of U.S. monopoly capital, shaken in the seventies?
For examining any of these questions, it is imperative to have a
closer look at the specific aspects of uneven development that gave rise
precisely to this settler colonial form, and more importantly, the essence
of unevenness in capitalist development and specificity of cases.
A. Capitalist Uneven Development
The unevenness of capitalist development is rooted in two fundamental
tendencies inherent in the logic of capitalist accumulation:
(a) the rising tendency of the organic composition of capital;
(b) the falling tendency of the rate of profit.
The two tendencies are seen by Marx as inversely related, hence con-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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