The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 76)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 76)
That is why the starting
point of his theory of settler colonialism becomes the aspirations of the
settler community in the colony, not the contradictions arising in the
metropolitan country; and giving rise to the settler community in the
first place. Stated in his words: "The settler community could not come
to terms with anything: neither with the trusts nor with the metropolitan
country....It could be saved only by secession from the metropolis, and by
setting up an independent 'white' state. The settlers did not fail to ap-
preciate that this was the case, and soon gave it the concrete form of an
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explicit demand. Indeed, none more than the case of Israel, which he
used to support his argument, refutes this very argument.
As put very well by Fawwaz Trabulsi,
"At its inception, the Zionist movement set up a State-
superstructure [the Zionist Congress]...the Zionist aim
was to find the territory and people for this 'State-
superstructure’ to rule....In fact, the whole process of
Zionist colonization is one in which this 'State-super-
structure’ acquired its economic 'base' in Palestine." 11
Secession from the metropolis and setting up an independent Jewish
State was never the expression of the settlers’ conditions and aspirations.
The Zionist idea of an independent Jewish State existed prior to the Yishuv
(the Jewish settler community in Palestine). That the Zionist idea was
always meant to be a colonial settler state is thoroughly documented by
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one of the foremost Mideast scholars, Maxime Rodinson.
Putting colonial settlers' secession in the context of an essential
antagonism between the settler community and the metropolis, and therefore
equating it with the liberation struggle, is a falsification of history.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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