The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 78)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 78)
a rival succeeded in stepping in ahead....This is a prin-
ciple of wide application in the economics of monopoly...
may appropriately be referred to as the principle of pro-
tective annexation. Closely the urge to annex
territories...of little or no present value, nevertheless
may become valuable in the future. This may be called the
principle of anticipatory annexation. Protective and anti-
cipatory annexations played a very important part in the
late nineteenth century scramble for still unclaimed parts
of the earth's surface. Finally, we must not forget consi-
derations of strategic nature...the need for well-placed
land and sea bases, lines of communication..." 14
Complementing Lenin's argument, which attributes these annexationist
"transitional forms of national dependence or informal imperialism" to the
antagonistic struggle between the fractions of metropolitan bourgeoisie and
to the competitive struggle among monopolies themselves, all stemming from
the internal logic of capitalist accumulation. Sweezy's argument highlights
an inseparable dimension, i.e., the strategic geographic locations of these
settler colonial enterprises in relation to existing and/or potential inter-
national undertakings. For example, British takeover of South Africa and
Rhodesia to guarantee a route for East India's company. In the case of
Zionist colonial settlement and its strategic location regarding British
imperialism, the point is very well put by Emile Touma in The Roots of the
Palestine Problem, +> and by many other historians.
It must be further remembered that the transformation from capitalism
to capitalist imperialism is not only economic; it has also political and
ideological dimensions.
Agreeing with Kemp, the economic conflict between the big combines only
becomes comprehensible when seen in relation to the struggle between states:
"The epoch of the newest capitalism shows us that certain
relations are being established between capitalist combines,
based on the economic division of the world, while parallel
with this and in connection with it, certain relations are
being established between political alliances, between states,
on the basis of the territorial division of the world, of the
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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