The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 81)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 81)
iy the competability of these conflicting class interests in relation to set-
tler colonial enterprises.
Formulated as such, we explain settler colonialism (including secession
from mother countries) in the context of alliance, not antagonism, between
the settler community and the metropolitan bourgeoisie. It points out expli-
citly the crucial role of settler colonialism (so strategically located), at
least transitionally, in furthering the internationalization of capital; in
the self-reproduction of capitalism as a world order. Put this way, colonial
settlement is conceived simultaneously as a result of, and as an instrument
for, capitalism's imperative to externalize the effects of its main contradic-
tions; to transfer them from the "center" to the "periphery". That is why,
in order to accumulate, capitalism necessarily needs a periphery.“
Correcting Marx, Rosa Luxemburg emphasizes primitive accumulation to be
not only a prior stage of capitalist accumulation, but as something needful
throughout its maturity.-> This conceptualization also highlights more than
any previous reference the centrality of the class determination of the petty
bourgeoisie in the rise of settler colonial phenomena.
The latter point carries special significance in the analysis of Jewish
settler colonialism in Palestine (given the class locations of Diaspora Jewry),
as demonstrated later on. In order to clarify this further, it seems necessary
to identify the nature of class struggle in the transitional phase.
Monopoly formation involves two simultaneous processes:
(1) Concentration of capital refers to the increase in the quantity of
capital under each one's control; this in turn makes possible an
enlarged scale of production and is necessarily the result of accumu-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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