The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 86)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 86)
the commercial bourgeoisie, the industrial bourgeoisie and the financial
bourgeoisie), but also class struggle (between capital and labor) in the
forms of embourgeoisement/proletarianization, displacement of workers by
machines for higher concentration of production, and struggle between the
capitalists and the pre-capitalist-petty bourgeoisie, threatened with ex-
tinction in the form of proletarianization or marginalization--forceful
joining of the "surplus" population--explains the interest of the petty
bourgeoisie to undertake the actual implementation of the secessionist
colonial settlement as an immunization against proletarianization, hence
the reproduction of its class-location, and/or opportunity for embourgeoise-
ment of the settlers through proletarianization of the native population in
the annexed territories.
Now that we have constructed a theoretical frame for analyzing settler
colonialism in general as it emerges from the uneven development of capital-
ism, we are ready to examine the specificity of settler colonialism in Pales-
III. Settler Colonialism in Palestine
It is said that Jewish colonial settlement in Palestine differs essen-
tially from the typical settler and non-settler colonial forms in that it
aims not to exploit, but rather to replace native labor. This difference
is often pointed out to highlight the progressive character of settler
colonialism in Palestine, and is attributed to its underlying Labor-Zionist
Labor-Zionism, known as the "socialist" or "proletarian" blend in
Zionism, represents the culmination of all previous proposed territorialist
solutions to the Jewish question. Using Don Schon's planning terminology,
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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