The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 93)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 93)
ception of history to mere "economic materialism" or, more appropriately,
"territorial materialism", according to which an econemic or, say, territorial
factor "operates of its own accord, without the intervention of man", negating
the role of the social relations forgetting that economic relations are them-
selves "a function of the social productive forces." Borochov
denies the Jews their very history; the history of class struggle, the Jewish
modes of social relations they have entered in the process of procuring their
means of subsistence for centuries, and the developmental effects of this pro-
cess. He therefore implicitly suggests that the social being of Jews has
historically remained constant, determined merely by a single factor--ex-ter-
ritorialization, indicating not the slightest comprehension of dialectical
materialism. This richness of Jewish history, scientifically documented in
Leon's Marxist interpretation of the Jewish question, points to the limita-
tions of Borochov's utterly undialectical materialist conception of history.
By way of contrast with him, Leon interprets the Jewish question and the rise
of Zionism by going much deeper into Jewish history to explain why the Jewish
masses are overwhelmingly petty bourgeois, that is, how the inverted pyramid-
like structure emerged, a point that Borochov starts with but never explains.
To give an example of how Jewish history can be accurately analyzed,
let us examine Leon's study as summed up by Nathan Weinstock:
"Proceeding from Marx's comments on the fact that the secret
of Jewish survival resides in Jewish history, Leon developed
his concept of the people-class as the key to Jewish history.
It is the role fulfilled by the Jews during their history
which provides the explanation of their survival as a dis-
tinct community. Analyzing the successive economic functions
assumed by the Jews in the pre-capitalist era, under manufac-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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