The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 96)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 96)
this tendency in the transition from that stage of competition to imperialist
capitalism. We have already discussed the effects of concentration and cen-
tralization of capital in the process of monopoly formation on small capital-
ists and the petty bourgeoisie, more specifically, how the new role of banking
in the age of finance capital erases the role of money lender and displaces
money capitalists.
Finally, the explanation of this tendency culminates in the observation
expressed by Leon Trotsky, where he says:
"Capitalism has ruined the petty bourgeoisie at a much
faster rate than it has proletarianized it. Furthermore,
the bourgeois state has long directed its conscious policy
toward the artificial maintenance of petty bourgeois strata.
At the opposite pole, the growth of technology and the
rationalization of large-scale industry engenders chronic
unemployment and obstructs the proletarianization of the
petty bourgeoisie....However, the artificial preservation
of antiquated petty bourgeois strata no-wise mitigates the
social contradictions, but on the contrary, invests them
with an especial malignancy and together with the permanent
army of the unemployed, constitutes the most malevolent ex-
pression of the decay of capitalism." 55
The latter quote explains not only the excess-energy problem but also what
Borochov defines as the “utter impossibility of Jewish proletarianization"
in Diaspora.
All the above observations and theories have in common their reference
to the state of social productive forces and the capitalist relations of pro-
duction as the forces underlying the displacement problem facing the petty
bourgeoisie in general, and the Jewish masses in particular.
Providing this explanation, these analyses lead to the conclusion that
the roots of the Jewish question lie in the very laws of capitalist accumula-
tion, not in landlessness, as Borochov tries hard to lead us to believe.
fhe genuine materialist conception of history leads us to the
conclusion that a lasting solution to the Jewish question lies essentially
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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