The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 100)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 100)
proletarian and bourgeois ideologies. This, indeed, culminates most accurately
in Borochov's assertion of the ''
‘organic unity of socialism and Zionism" as the
essence of his doctrine; the attempt to unite the two fundamentally opposite
aspirations: proletarian internationalism (socialism) and sectarian bourgeois
nation-statism (Zionism).
Moreover, "even when the petty-bourgeois sectors adopt working-class
positions," says Poulantzas, "they often do so by investing them with their
own ideological practices." This explains, on the level of political arti-
culation, why left-wing socialist-Zionist political parties, specifically
Hashomer Hatsair prior to Statehood, and MAPAM in Israel, have sometimes
adopted a working-class position to invest in their own ideological practices;
especially for the purpose of promoting aliyah, hence the realization of Zion-
ism. This is to say that the conjunctural adoption of proletariat positions
by political formations of Borochovism (left-Zionist parties) may not imply
that these formations essentially articulate the class interest of the prole-
tariat; this is even more true when such positions were taken inconsistently
as the case with left-Zionist parties.
Poulantzas indicates further
",..that certain ideological elements specific to the
petty bourgeoisie may themselves have their effects on
the working class’ ideology, and because of the particu-
lar class determination of the petty bourgeoisie. This
happens in a manner different to that in which bourgeois
ideology acts, This is even the main danger that permanent—
ly threatens the working-class. It may take the form of
convergence and a malformation of these elements with
working-class ideology, particularly the form of petty-
bourgeois socialism, but also...the forms of anarcho-syn-
dicalism and revolutionary syndicalism, which can all af-
fect the working-class." 61
Such petty bourgeois socialism and anarcho-syndicalism can be said, in the
case of socialist-Zionism, to be configurated in the forms of the collective
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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