The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 100)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 100)
- المحتوى
proletarian and bourgeois ideologies. This, indeed, culminates most accurately
in Borochov's assertion of the ''
‘organic unity of socialism and Zionism" as the
essence of his doctrine; the attempt to unite the two fundamentally opposite
aspirations: proletarian internationalism (socialism) and sectarian bourgeois
nation-statism (Zionism).
Moreover, "even when the petty-bourgeois sectors adopt working-class
positions," says Poulantzas, "they often do so by investing them with their
own ideological practices." This explains, on the level of political arti-
culation, why left-wing socialist-Zionist political parties, specifically
Hashomer Hatsair prior to Statehood, and MAPAM in Israel, have sometimes
adopted a working-class position to invest in their own ideological practices;
especially for the purpose of promoting aliyah, hence the realization of Zion-
ism. This is to say that the conjunctural adoption of proletariat positions
by political formations of Borochovism (left-Zionist parties) may not imply
that these formations essentially articulate the class interest of the prole-
tariat; this is even more true when such positions were taken inconsistently
as the case with left-Zionist parties.
Poulantzas indicates further
",..that certain ideological elements specific to the
petty bourgeoisie may themselves have their effects on
the working class’ ideology, and because of the particu-
lar class determination of the petty bourgeoisie. This
happens in a manner different to that in which bourgeois
ideology acts, This is even the main danger that permanent—
ly threatens the working-class. It may take the form of
convergence and a malformation of these elements with
working-class ideology, particularly the form of petty-
bourgeois socialism, but also...the forms of anarcho-syn-
dicalism and revolutionary syndicalism, which can all af-
fect the working-class." 61
Such petty bourgeois socialism and anarcho-syndicalism can be said, in the
case of socialist-Zionism, to be configurated in the forms of the collective - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 18009 (5 views)