The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 102)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 102)
- المحتوى
sured the place he deserves." This is a very strategic component in settler
colonialism. In this sense, one of the Histadruth roles is to impede the de-
velopment of a revolutionary labor movement in Palestine, to pacify the his-
torical role of the Jewish working class, reducing it from a social force in-
to a sterile "workers’ community".
It is interesting to know that the Histadruth defines "worker" in terms
of eligibility to Histadruth membership, the principal qualification for which
is "the ideological belief in non-exploitation of labor."°> Nothing is more
characteristic of the petty bourgeois utopia than such a slogan; this defini-~
tion of the worker, as opposed to the worker defined in terms of the class
struggle, is most indicative of the petty bourgeois socialism.
To substantiate the predominance of petty bourgeois elements in the
Histadruth, it helps to mention that the 1943 distribution of Histadruth
membership by industry or occupation shows that Histadruth members as percent
of total employment is the largest among the self-employed; for example, 89.4%
of the total employed in agricultural (kibbutz and moshav) labor settlements,
as compared to 66.7% among hired agricultural laborers; 80% of the self-en-
ployed farmers on privately-owned farms, compared to 53% of clerical employees,
etc. °"
ft is of significance also to notice the emphasis on the belief, not
the practice. This way, the Histadruth can be both the trade union symboli-
zing the belief in the non-exploitation of labor, and simultaneously the sec-
ond largest employer (i.e., exploiter of wage labor) in the country.
More discussion regarding the truth about the Histadruth and the kib-
butz and moshav will follow later in the present chapter and the coming one.
For unravelling the petty bourgeois character of these Labor-Zionist configur-
ations and exposing the mythology of their proletarianism, it is best to make - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 18009 (5 views)