The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 104)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 104)
fiercely holds onto its (small) property and is afraid of
being proletarianized. It makes sharp demands against the
monopolies, since it is gradually itself being ruined and
eliminated by monopoly capitalism, but these often aim at
restoring ‘equal opportunity’ and 'fair competition', which
is how the fantasies of the petty bourgeoisie pictures the
past stage of competitive capitalism. What this petty bour-
geoisie often seeks is change without the system changing....
Afraid of proletarianization below, attracted toward the
bourgeois above, these petty bourgeois agents also aspire to
become bourgeois..." 68
All these features are indeed distinctive of Borochovist Labor-Zionism
arising in 1900, precisely in the transition from capitalism of competition
to capitalism of monopoly; essentially seeking refuge for the Jewish petty
bourgeoisie from extinction through proletarianization in the face of monopoly
formation. The proletarizing Jewish masses are central to Borochov's concern.
"The proletarizing masses...are interested even more than the proletariat in
retaining the integrity of their national work-place."°?
Now that we identified what it is that in socialist Zionism, despite
its proletarian mask, is essentially a petty bourgeois ideological feature,
it helps to identify what — is essentially not proletarian about Labor-
Zionism. What are the essential characterizations of a genuinely proletarian
ideology that are absent in Borochovism as theory and program?
One way of answering this question is to compare the Borochovist solu-
tion to the Jewish question with that of the cosmopolitan school of Jewish
socialism led by Ahron Lieberman. As Borochovism is said by S. Levenberg, a
leading socialist-Zionist, to be "a spiritual revolt aginst [among other
ws : . toa 70
things] the imitation of the cosmopolitan school of Jewish socialism."
Expressed in the Record of the Society of the Hebrew Socialists of Lon-
don in 1876, the solution to the Jewish question is conceived as follows:
"We are convinced that the present order, which holds
sway everywhere, is ruthless and unjust. The capitalists,
rulers and clergy, have taken unto themselves all human
rights and property and have enslaved the working masses
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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