The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 106)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 106)
blame Statehood for undermining the genuinely socialist Jewish order in
Palestine, as proponents of Borochovism often argue.
As Poulantzas indicates: "The traditional petty bourgeoisie has often
been a pillar of the "democratic republican' order and essential component of
left-wing Jacobinism or even petty bourgeois socialism..."/°>
In his critique of the Gotha Programme (in 1875) of the Socialist Demo-
cratic Working Party of Germany, founded by Lassalle, and of French Proudhon-
ism, Marx points out the petty bourgeois, non-proletarian character of these
programs, as they have no mention of the dictatorship of the proletariat; that
is, the political transition period from State to no-State. /“
With this position in mind, how can one then consider Borochovism a pro-
letarian ideology and program when it was nothing but a development model for
guaranteeing the evolutionary emergence and reproducibility of a bourgeois
Jewish State by means of Jewish labor. While proletarian socialism aspires
precisely for the withering-away of the state, proletarian Zionism is precise-
ly the very strategy for realizing the idea of a bourgeois state, even with
a sectarian character.
C. The Instrumentality of Labor in Zionism
The essence of this essay is to point out the Borochovist genius in
recognizing the imperative of labor, hence class struggle, for the realization
of Zionism. We recognize the fact that this labor strategy for implementing
the Zionist idea, the State, is truly derived from a materialist conception
of history. We emphasize it is neither Borochov's definition of the Jewish
question nor his territorialist solution to it that derive from a genuine
materialist conception of history; it is only his implementation strategy
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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