The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 107)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 107)
of labor that derives from the paradigm of class struggle; and it is precise-
ly on this level that Borochovism differs from other Zionist postulates, and
even from other settler-colonial "planners" and petty-bourgeois socialist
Borochov seems to have comprehended the Marxist
conception of the State as a relation of struggling social classes and not
as a thing; an enterprise. He, in other words, seems to grasp the relation
between political class struggle and the State superstructure. Ironically,
however, he then uses this historical materialist conception of the State in
the pursuit of creating conditions for the Jewish State to emerge in a more
historical manner, yet through managerial manipulations.
Metaphorically, Borochov conducted a backward simulation of the forces
that historically give rise to the State, from which he derives a dynamic
managerial model for the development of a Jewish State in Palestine; that is,
transplanting Jewish social formation by means of Jewish labor, from which
the Jewish State was to arise.
We must remember that the Jewish State in Palestine is the configuration
of an idea, the Zionist idea, translated in material conditions other than
those which, in the first place, gave birth to the Zionist idea. It is,
therefore, very different from the historical state which emerges from mater-
ial forces within the particular society in which the State is a regulating
Borochov's contribution to Zionism lies in the attempt to give an his-
torical character to an essentially ahistorical state, and most importantly,
in assuring, by virtue of regulating Jewish class struggle in a Jewish social
formation, that it is historically predetermined to be a Jewish State.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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