The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 111)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 111)
- المحتوى
dislocation of formation's instances. The role of the State, the cohesive
factor of this complex overlapping of various modes of production, is deci-
sive here. The State's specific efficacity, understood precisely as the
general cohesive function of a formation's unity, exists permanently in
every formation where different modes of production overlap. This is parti-
cularly important in the capitalist formation, where the dominant CMP stamps
the domination of its structure on the various modes of production present,
and in particular, stamps on them relative autonomy of instances, resulting
in a clearer separation between the spheres of economic, ideological and poli-
This analysis of the relation of social formation's overlapping modes
of production to the function of the State, and of the relative autonomy of
the instances (including the political, i.e., the State) becomes essential
for comprehending the role of Labor-Zionism, specifically the practices of
self-labor and Hebrew work, in the creation of Jewish social formation with
more than one mode of production for the emergence of the Jewish State as a
cohesive factor of the newly transplanted social formation. Furthermore,
Poulantzas' analysis explains why it was necessary to create a capitalist
Jewish social formation in order for the Jewish State to exercise relative
autonomy, a necessary guarantee for the State to serve world Jewry, specifi-
cally the metropolitan bourgeoisie, and not only the class interest of the
becoming national bourgeoisie.
Before we go to examine the strategy of the State in socialist-Zionism
in light of the Marxist conception of the State, it is necessary to bring up
a final point about the latter, which is of special relevance to our conclu-
sion; this is the relation of the State and revolution.
111 - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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