The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 113)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 113)
of cohesion between the levels of a social formation. This is precisely the
Marxist conception of the State as a factor of ‘order' or ‘organizational
principle’ of a formation, and as the “regulating factor of its global disequi-
librium as a system," not the passive instrument in the hand of a class or
It is in this sense that the State is not a thing but a relation, more
exactly, the condensation of a balance of forces.
Unlike the instrumentalist conception of the State as a subject or a
thing, in both cases of which the relationship of the State to the classes is
seen as a relation of externality and the relative autonomy of the State as
something absolute. In the Marxist conception of the State as a relation, the
relative autonomy of the State is inscribed in its very structure, in so far
as it is a function of the class struggle and class contradictions as they are
expressed and concentrated, in a specific manner, within the State itself.
(b) Jewish Labor as a Strategy for a Jewish State:
According to Nachman Syrkin, a leading writer in socialist Zionist
thought, 'Borochov was the first to apply a socialist ideology to Labour-Zion-
ism. Labour-Zionists thus become socialist Zionists."°°
In this statement one can easily replace the word "ideology" with the
word "terminology" without any major distortion of content. ft is Borochov's
emphasis on "class struggle" that makes his Zionism mistaken for socialism’
Syrkin's state-
ment also makes explicit that Labor-Zionism is not identical with socialist
Zionism; Borochovism. The latter is accurate; all political postulates of
Zionism emphasized the notion of Jewish labor. A.0O. Gordon, for example, a
revisionist who rejects socialist principles that seem contrary to the Zionist
objective, is also the very person known to develop into creed the idea of
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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