The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 116)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 116)
Hebrew Labor" (Kibbush Ha'avobah Ha'evrit).
For Borochov, not by labor and land alone the Zionist aim, i.e., the
Jewish State, is realizable, but also necessarily by Jewish class struggle.
It is, perhaps, precisely this notion in Borochovism that misleads Syrkin to
conclude that Borochov applies socialist ideology to Labor-Zionism, thus con-
verting Labor-Zionists into socialist Zionists. Borochov emphasizes not only
self-labor but essentially Jewish proletarianization in Palestine, and Jewish
proletarianization by means of Jewish capital; this is how Jewish class strug-
gle can develop. Unlike Achad Ha'am's emphasis on the necessity to have Jew-
ish workers toiling the land as self-employed farmers, or as wage employees
even by Arab landlords, Borochov is very specific about his own notion of labor
in Zionism; his main concern is Jewish proletarianization by Jewish capital,
and not by Gentiles in Diaspora or by the indigenous inhabitants of the colony.
This is one of the reasons why he strongly rejected the idea of Jewish coloni-
zaiton in any country ruled by an advanced capitalist power.
As "necessary requirements" characterizing the territory where the Jewish
social formation to be restored, Borochov emphasizes "the state owning the
territory must be of an undeveloped capitalist economy...that in the country
there will already be a Hebrew settlement there for some time and ready for
proletarianization;" and among the "desired requirements" that "it will not
have gold and precious stones; the local population will be cultureless to that
degree as to be influenced by our culture, yet also sufficiently cultured,
namely conservative, that it would not "jump" too fast into a capitalist econ-
omy 12° It is not Jewish proletarianization per se that Borochov argues is
"utterly impossible" in Diaspora, but more specifically Jewish proletarianiza-
tion by Jewish capital; with the rising of the organic composition of capital,
manifested in the introduction of new machinery, technical innovation, the
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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