The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 118)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 118)
tariat. One should not take as the starting point the general,
national future and deduce the future of the proletariat from
it. On the contrary, one should start with the interests of
the proletariat, and from this arrive at the future of the
nation as a whole....From the starting point of the interests
of the militant Jewish proletariat and from our view of it as
the Vanguard of the Jewish Future, we deduce territorialism for
the Jewish people as a whole." 93
This is not the place to assess the extent to which Borochov's assertion
that his Zionism represents and derives from the interest of the Jewish prole-
tariat is reliable or that he is simply giving a progressive rationalization
and excuse for an essentially reactionary territorialist solution. What con-
cerns us here is merely the fact that he recognizes the existence of a Jewish
proletariat in Diaspora. This in turn refutes his previous assertion as regards
"the utter impossibility of Jewish proletarianization in Diaspora." It is so,
unless what he really means is, again, the utter impossibility of Jewish prole-
tarianization by Jewish capital, emphasized in a previous quote. In that case,
our interpretation of Borochov is reinforced; that he recognizes the imperative
of having a Jewish proletariat and a Jewish bourgeoisie relation if a bourgeois
Jewish State is to be realized. And, given the impossibility of Jewish prole-
tarianization by Jewish capital in Diaspora, he concludes the inconceivability
of an emerging Jewish State in Diaspora, hence, the conviction for territorial-
Borochov seems to realize, in light of the Marxist conception of the
State, the need for a purely Jewish class struggle as necessary material condi-
tions for such a State to emerge, and that in Diaspora Jewish life, such condi-
tions are non-existent and cannot develop. In light of historical materialism,
he concludes also that the condition of a purely Jewish class antagonism is a
Jewish social formation, as a site for Jewish classes co-existing in irrecon-
cialable antagonisms and condensed contradictions, and the Jewish State, fol-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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