The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 119)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 119)
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lowing Engels" conception of the State, as a product of Jewish society at a
certain stage of development. Borochov realized that a Jewish State can emerge
only as a product of Jewish society, in the sense of social formation consis-
ting of an overlapping of several modes of production, the site of the repro-
duction process of Jewish social classes and contradictions, the nodes of un-
even development of the relationship of modes and forms of production within
the class struggle. “he conditions for a bourgeois Jewish State is a
Jewish social formation in which the capitalist mode of production has a domi-
nant role.
It is by virtue of his scientific Marxist conception of the State (as a
relation of struggling social classes, as a cohesive factor of formation's
unity and as the place in which the various contradictions of the formation's
levels are condensed) that Borochov presumably recognizes the imperative of
territorialism and its essential identity with Zionism. A Jewish territory is
correctly identified as a condition for Jewish society; that is, a Jewish so-
cial formation, the thing that the Jewish community in Diaspora was not (except,
maybe, for the Jewish ghettos). This is precisely what made the Jews in Dias-
pora unlike the British in Britain and the French in France. However, the Jew-
ish bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie, with the development of monopoly, needed
a State to intervene on behalf of their capital, yet uncombined; they needed a
State which is Jewish, as France is French and Britain is British. These aspir-
ations do necessarily require "starting from scratch", the acquiring of a Jew-
ish territory on which a Jewish social formation can form so that a Jewish
State will "organically" rise from its very contradictions. The purely Jewish
class struggle is, therefore, imperative in Borochov's vision of Zionism. The
notion of class struggle is, in Borochovism, identified as a socialist con-
cept, and instead of saying that Jewish class struggle is the condition for an - تاريخ
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- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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