The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 120)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 120)
organic rise of a Jewish State, Borochov misleadingly asserts the "organic
unity of Zionism and socialism." It is, therefore, not surprising that cen-
tral to his theory of nationalism and class struggle is the need of the Jewish
proletariat for a territory of its own in order to be able to wage political
Jewish class struggle; otherwise, the Jewish proletariat in Diaspora can only
participate in political class struggle which is not purely Jewish, and under
such conditions the energy of the Jewish proletariat is diverted from the Jew-
ish cause, from giving rise to a Jewish State; and can contribute only to cos-
mopolitan socialism against which Borochovism is a revolt.
To make the point clearer, is to emphasize that Borochov's territorial-
ism is distinguished from territorialism in other postulates of Zionism. His
is a much more profound concept, referring to the creation of an historical
context, from which the Jewish State is to emerge, as if organically, not
merely national territory on which to establish Jewish State apparatuses.
Borochov's territorialism refers to a specific territory with the potential of
restoring the lost Jewish social formation in a modern form, where the Zionist
enterprise will definitely transform into national evolution, providing for an
evolutionary rise of, and a basis of continuity for, the Jewish State. So that
the Jewish State would be an organically rooted one and not mere enterprise,
he therefore rejects territory in which a Jewish social formation cannot be re-
stored or developed (such as advanced capitalism, where Jewish capital is like-
ly to employ Gentile labor, and Jewish labor is likely to be either self-em-
ployed or the employee of Gentile capital). Similarly, he rejects the idealist
territorialist solution represented in the "lovers of Zion'' movement, led by
Levanda and Lilienblum, who advocate the transformation of "the Galut middle-
men into a people of farmers in Palestine," a territorialist postulate adopted
later by the Jewish bourgeoisie, as expressed in Pinsker's Auto-emancipation
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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