The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 121)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 121)
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and Herzl's The Jewish State. Borochov rejects such a "sterile" colonization,
as it is not based on class struggle. The notion of evolution is central to
Borochovism and distinctive of it. It is directly linked to the organic rise
of the Jewish State from a Jewish social formation formed precisely through
colonization by class struggle; that is, colonization aiming at classed, not
classless, society. This is to say, the "yishuv" (the Jewish settlers’ com-
munity in Palestine prior to the establishment of the State) has to be segmen-
ted by classes, Jewish classes, if it is to give rise to a State which is Jew-
ish. Borochov condemns the earlier settlement schemes, not for their exploi-
tation of labor but for exploiting non-Jewish labor, as that will not allow
for Jewish classes to form, and more precisely, for the class struggle in
Palestine to be Jewish; in that case, Zionism will remain an enterprise and the
Jewish State will never become an evolutionary product of Jewish society.
Territorialism, thus, in Borochov's Zionism is essentially nothing but
an evolutionary rise to a Jewish State. In his words:
" the course of time, Zionism will transform itself
from an enterprise of a group of idealists to a national
undertaking....At that time, the inner historical necessity
of Zionism will be centered no more on the external forces
but on the internal forces of the people. For a long time
the Zionist movement will have the character of an enterprise
[referring to early settlement of Hovevi Zion], but in the
future it will become an evolutionary movement. This will
only occur if our people are settled on their land and are
able to shape their own destiny. When our movement ceases
to be an enterprise and becomes the evolution of a renais-
cent Judaism, Zionism as we know it will complete its present
development." 94
Notice the emphasis on restoring the past, the desire to turn back the wheels
of history, most characteristic of the petty bourgeois ideological sub-ensemble.
We notice also the emphasis on class struggle in a double-fold meaning, simul-
taneously adhering to the aspirations of both the bourgeoisie and the proletar-
iat, most expressive of the vacillation of the petty bourgeoisie. - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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