The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 124)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 124)
- المحتوى
tion, whose unity and condensation the State represent are not merely those
internal to the white settlers’ community but, on the contrary, mainly inter-
nal to the mixed social formation. The existence of the white settler commun-
ity with that social formation becomes part of the irreconcilable contradic-—
tions giving rise to an historical State, the product of the society at this
Stage, and which is now about to overthrow the settler-colonial “superstruc-
ture", as it is becoming increasingly incompatible with the current develop-
ment of the "base", increasingly linked to international capital.
Borochov, therefore, tries to foresee an evolutionary approach to Zion-
ism, that is, the realization of the Jewish State as if historically emerged,
a Jewish State that has historical roots, that can be evolutionarily Jewish,
and whose historical material definitional conditions are Jewish and repro-
ducible over time; that is, one based on an historical site, a social forma-
tion, within which Jewish classes form and reproduce themselves in class
struggle, and the Jewish State is then continuously reproduced as a factor
of cohesion of the formation's unity and the place in which the contradic-
tions of various levels (economic, ideological, etc.) within a Jewish social
formation are condensed.
The Borochovist notion of Jewish class struggle as a prerequisite ma--
terial force for the emergence of a Jewish State is undoubtedly deduced from
a correct comprehension of the Marxist theory of the State. This comprehen-
sion is most articulated in his emphasis on the need for political class
struggle in Jewish life, not feasible in Diaspora. He realizes the State's
function of "order" in political class struggle, preventing the political
class conflict from breaking out in so far as this conflict reflects the
unity of a formation.” He explicitly points out the inavailability of the
historical material prerequisites for a Jewish State, in Jewish life, which
124 - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 50754 (2 views)