The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 125)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 125)
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is, indeed, a testimony for the arbitrariness of Zionism, specifically,
"socialist" Zionism, whose essence is precisely and ironically the engineer-
ing of historical material conditions necessary for such a State to emerge
and be organically sustained on an ongoing basis. To substantiate our expo-
sition of the instrumentality of class struggle in this Zionism, in the reali-
zation of a bourgeois Jewish State, let us quote Borochov himself:
"Among other nations, the alliances usually proceed along class
lines. The ruling classes unite and build one reactionary
bloc, whereas the suppressed classes unite and build a revo-
lutionary bloc. Among the Jewish people, however, the grouping
does not occur on a class basis....Within Jewry the chief
contradiction is not between the proletariat and the bour-
geoisie, or between the urban and agrarian populations, but
between Zionists and Galut champions of all classes. The con-
centration of anti-Zionist forces usually precedes Zionist
consolidation. This does not mean to imply that there is no
class struggle within Jewry...but the class struggle in Jew-
ish life has meagre social content...its historical horizons
are limited. The class struggle of the Jews is primarily on
the economic front. We lack, however, the political class
struggle; for the Jewish people is now divorced from State
functions and political rule as a unit. Under the prevailing
conditions in the Galut, it is really impossible to engage in
this struggle. Instead, each class, guided by its own inter-
ests, participates in the political struggle of the people
among whom its members reside. Although in its struggle
against the general bourgeoisie, the Jewish proletariat can-
not avoid a clash with the Jewish bourgeoisie, that struggle
is not for a dominance within Jewish life, for there is no
one to divest of or invest with power. In Jewish life, only
the economic [author's emphasis] class antagonisms find full
play; the political conflicts go off at a tangent....Within
Jewry there does not exist the class struggle in its usual
forms. True, the Jewish people does not have a very strong
material tradition....the Jewish community must fortify it-
self and become rooted in the surrounding environment, tying
itself organically to the soil of the neighbouring people.
A whole people cannot live as if in a hostelry. A neglect
of this truth caused the inner contradiction of general
Zionism." 96
It is important to keep in mind that a social formation consists of
several overlapping modes of production among which one mode plays the role
of dominance. In Borochovism, the capitalist mode is to play the role of - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 61064 (1 views)