The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 127)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 127)
society be a sovereign subject of international law. We
have already proven that the first condition is not capable
of being fulfilled in a territory close to a cultured capi-
talist society. Also, the fulfillment of the second condi-
tion is not possible..." 98
It is very clear from the previous quote that Borochov's territorialism
is, indeed, the creation of comptetive Jewish capitalism as disassociated
from monopoly capital as possible, so that from this Jewish competitive capi-
talist base a Jewish State of a bourgeois character emerges, and it is only
by virtue of the latter that it acquires international importance and recog-
nition; that is, only as bourgeois and not proletarian can the Jewish State
contribute to the internationalization of capital, both Jewish and Gentile.
This is to reinforce the point that Borochovism expresses primarily the inter-
ests of the Jewish middle-bourgeoisie and that fraction of the petty bourgeois-
ie aspiring to become a national bourgeoisie, which, in turn, coincides with
the interest of big Jewish and Gentile capital: imperialism. It represents
only secondarily the interests of that fraction of the petty bourgeoisie as-
piring to restore their petty bourgeois class-location and for immunization
against proletarianization. The latter applies mainly to members of kibbutz
and moshav movements. Borochovism does, by no means, represent the interest
of the Jewish proletariat, but rather expresses the imperative of Jewish pro-
letarianization if the interests of the becoming and existing Jewish bourgeois-
ie are to be, in the long run, well served. The proletarianization impera-
tive represents the most prominent feature in Borochovism. It is reflected
most clearly in the following phrase, written and underlined by Borochov him-
self: '"...and we repeat and say: We are not afraid of foreign capitaliza-
tion in the territory, and even not from foreign immigration per se, but only
and solely from foreign proletarization."
Jewish proletarianization is seen by Borochov as the condition for
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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