The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 128)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 128)
- المحتوى
capitalization of petty Jewish capital and, more importantly, for the well-
rootedness of the bourgeois Jewish State.
"...We ask [Borochov writes] what economic value could there
be for the Jewish question in a territory of well-rooted
population? And we answer: It is valueless. And further,
we ask what international value could this territory be for
the purpose of guarding and defending Jewish interests in
countries of the Diaspora...and our answer value
"The territories will belong, in the future, not to the
powers dominating them today, and not to immigrants...but
only to the section of the population which produces the
wealth of that particular territory and sustains in it its
industrial and agricultural proletariat. Uganda does not
belong to England, but to the black population within it...
rooted in it to such a great measure that no force of immi-
grants can annihilate it. Eretz Israel does not belong to
the British but only to the population working there....
More important than the question of mere majority is the
question of the normal industrial and agricultural proletar-
iat. Because any majority today which will not be able to
reach, naturally, proletarianization, or the way of prole-
tarianization is barred for it, will be increasingly expelled
from its position to the point of death....The most important
question is, where could the Jews reach normal proletariani-
zation? ...Where is the country wherein we shall not have to
fear...not only foreign immigration and capitalization, but
mainly foreign proletarianization...? We know only one such
territory that can satisfy all these requirements and that is:
Wadi El-Arish (reference to Israel). It is a difficult dis-
tance from capitalist developed states, located near the sea,
its population is nomad and can always migrate east, and the
country has a hot subtropical climate which would make accli-
mation more difficult for a European than for a Jew." 100
In light of this statement, it becomes easier to comprehend the func-
tion, not only of proletarianization in the realization of Borochovist terri-
torialism, but also of the twin slogans, "Boycott Arab Labor," and "Conquer
Hebrew Work". The latter seems to be directly linked to the view of Jewish
proletarianization and the proletarianization of the native inhabitants of
the territory, as mutually exclusive processes. This mutual exlusiveness
lies, economically, in the state of the productive forces based on middle
and petty Jewish capital and restricted to forms of capitalist accumulation - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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