The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 129)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 129)
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ranging from the primitive to the competitive, but not politically into mono-
poly. However, this mutual exclusiveness lies in the material requirements
for the emergence of a nation-state which is bourgeois and Jewish. The twin
slogans mentioned above are derivatives of the proletarian Zionist ideology.
The ideological seems the most explicit and occupies the place of dominance
(over the political and economic) in Borochovism. It is always the economic
that determines which of the three instances to be dominant in a particular
conjuncture. Here we see clearly how it is not at all accidental that the
ideological is dominant even in theory (and not only in practice, as demon-
strated in the following chapter) during the pre-Statehood phase of Jewish
colonial settlement in Palestine. The dominance of the economic or the poli-
tical would have inevitably exposed the proletarian mythology and unravelled
the bourgeois aspirations inherent in Borochovism. Mobilization on the basis
of "proletarian" ideology seems even theoretically essential for the realiza-
tion of the economic and the political of a truly bourgeois program.
Borochov is very conscious of the perfect conditions for the capitali-
zation of middle and petty Jewish capital; Jewish proletarianization is seen
as one of the conditions for, and consequences of, such forms of capitaliza-
tion: “Jewish immigration is slowly tending to direct itself to a country
where petty Jewish capital and labor may be utilized in such forms of produc-
tion as will serve a transition from an urban to an agricultural economy and
from production of consumer goods to more basic forms of industry." 101
Implicitly, Borochov advocates for the first phase a balanced capital-
ist development scale, which guarantees the capitalization of petty Jewish
capital, on the one hand, yet within the boundaries of Jewish sectarianisn,
on the other; a development model which is uneven enough to steer-up class
struggle and give rise to a bourgeois state, yet, even enough to guarantee
129 - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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