The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 130)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 130)
the Jewishness of the economy, of the class struggle, so that it gives rise
to a Jewish State. Put differently, what Borochov advocates is simply Jewish
capitalism. This is true at least for the first run. As far as the "second
is concerned, Borochov leaves it to be determined by history. Jewish
capitalism (as opposed to cosmopolitan socialism and capitalism) is, for him,
the only guarantee for Judaism, for preserving Jewish particularism. Boro-
chov, however, fails to recognize the contradiction inherent in his develop-
ment model; that is, the unity of two opposite tendencies: captialist secu-
larization versus Jewish sectarianism.
For him, at least in the first run,
",..-The emancipation of the Jewish people either will be
brought about by Jewish labour, or it will not be attained
at all. But the labour movement has only one weapon at its
command: the class struggle. The class struggle must as-
sume a political character if it is to lead to a better
future. Proletarian Zionism is possible only if its aims can
be achieved through the class struggle; Zionism can be real-
ized only if proletarian Zionism can be realized..." 102
This is the strategy of Jewish labor for the realization of the Jewish
State. Borochovist Zionism is proletarian not in the sense of representing
the interest of the Jewish proletariat, but as a theory-of-action which sees
the realization of Zionism necessarily conditioned by Jewish proletarianiza-
tion. Borochovism is, therefore, not a proletarian program for abolishing
social classes. Quite the contrary, it is a theory and a plan of sectarian
class formation as a means for a sectarian bourgeois State. More precisely,
it is a methodology for developing a sectarian bourgeois State in the con-
text of settler-colonialism.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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