The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 131)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 131)
- المحتوى
Uneven capitalist development is a necessary outcome of and condition
for Jewish class formation and struggle.
Borochovism is thus a theory aimed at the creation of a class society,
not of a classless society. A classless society is incompatible with Zion-
ism, as the State is nothing but an outcome, object, and a unifier of
class struggle, a condensed relation of struggling social classes: Boro-
chov's is necessarily one of class formation, not abolishment, of social
classes. Borochovism is, therefore, objectively a capitalist development
strategy. The "socialist" ideology and Utopian forms of production that
derive from Borochovism can be only used to promote capitalist development
to its present stage where it serves to obscure the actual dynamic of the
present transformation of the social formation.
In Levenberg's Selected Studies in Labor-Zionism, Nachman Syrkin
writes: "“Borochov was one of the staunchest supporters of the cooperative
four emphasis] colonization movement, although at first he believed it was
a negation of the class struggle." [our emphasis] The underlined, if
documented, confirms our point regarding the imperative of uneven develop-
ment for class struggle and regarding the role of cooperative colonization
(the kibbutz and moshav models) in promoting capitalist development in the
context of essentially sectarian relations of production. This point will
be demonstrated in the following chapter in the analysis of the applica-
tion of Labor-Zionism.
The strength of the Borochovist strategy lies precisely in his cor-
rect understanding of the material conditions of Jewish life in Diaspora
and the material prerequisites for the emergence of the Jewish State, - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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