The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 132)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 132)
and further, in identifying the very segment of the Jewish masses who are
under material conditions that make them the most fit to become the van-
guards of Zionism; these were the "proletarianizing masses" who had nothing
to lose in Diaspora. Implicit in his development strategy which is essen-
tially for a Jewish social formation in which the capitalist mode of pro-
duction is dominant are three possibilities for proletarianizing the
(1) to become a national bourgeoisie;
(2) to restore their petty bourgeois locations;
(3) to become proletariat in secure employment and for a cause,
the actualization of Zionism.
The shortcoming in the Borochovist strategy lies in not foreseeing
the post-monopoly nation-State. His strategy derives from a Marxist con-
ception of the pre-monopoly state. Therefore, as will be seen in a later
chapter, the sectarian bourgeois state based on Jewish capitalist relation
conflicts with the essential internationalization of capital as the pri-
mary function of the nation-State in the age of monopoly capitalism.
In the transition from this chapter on the development of the Boro-
chovist theory into the following one on the practice of Borochovism, we
hope to shed light on the links between theory and reality for interpre-
ting the world and theory and reality for changing the world.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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