The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 141)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 141)
- المحتوى
',..[The required territory's] economic impor-
tance could be in that the new Jewish society
which will be created in the territory will serve
as a refuge and a work place for the oppressed
Diaspora Jews. For that purpose it is necessary
that the Jewish immigrants could, in that terri-
tory, reach normal capitalization and proletarian-
ization and that the competition from the local
bourgeoisie and local proletariat will not push
them outside of the market.
",..More important than the question of mere
majority is the question of normal industrial and
agricultural proletariat, because any majority to-
day which will not be able to reach naturally pro-
letarianization, or that proletarianization is
barred from it, will be increasingly expelled of
its position to the point of death.* Therefore,
the most important where could the
Jews reach normal proletarianization?...where is
the country wherein we shall not have to fear, just
as other countries do not fear, not only foreign
immigration and capitalization, but mainly foreign
",..The best and essential advantage of Eretz Is-
rael is that it is not completely savage and not a
country of culture. Therefore, its transition to
higher forms of economy will be slow enough and
gradual and we shall not require these to start
with great beginning investments like in a "terri-
tory" and in the first period we shall be satisfied
with Jewish proletariat. Over time, of course, the
process of proletarianization of the peasants which
will flow into the factories will begin."
Ber Borochov, Selected Writings
Translated from Hebrew by Z.
Rubashov (Shazar) (unpublished
manuscript), pp. 8, 32, 35.
My emphasis - تاريخ
- ١٩٧٨
- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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