The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 142)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 142)
- المحتوى
I. Introduction
This chapter is a historical review of Palestinian proletarianization
in the context of Jewish colonial settlement in Palestine.
Proletarianization is often defined as the separation of producers from
their means of production, specifically, land. If so, then one would ex-
pect that land colonization by Jewish settlers and the proletarianization
of the native Palestinian population went hand-in-hand. This definition of
proletarianization is, however, inadequate and such correlation between set-
tlers' colonization and natives' proletarianization has not been the case in
Palestine, probably owing to peculiar objective and subjective conditions
that this chapter will deal with.
It is not only the expropriation of producers from their land that con-
stitutes the proletarianization process; but it is only in the context of
capitalist relations that expropriation from the land constitutes an aspect
of proletarianization.
The imperative of separating the producers from their own land and/or
other means of subsistence is peculiar to capitalist relations. As Karl
Marx and Frederick Engels write:
"In the Middle Ages it was not the expropriation of the
people from, but on the contrary, their appropriation to
the land which became the source of feudal oppression....
It was only at the dawn of modern times, towards the end
of the fifteenth century, that the expropriation of the
peasantry on a large scale laid the foundation of the mod-
ern class of wage-workers who possess nothing but their
labor power and can live only by selling that labor power
to others. But if the expropriation from the land brought
this class into existence, it was the development of capi-
talist production, of modern industry and agriculture on
a large scale which perpetrated it, increased it and shaped
it into a distinct class with distinct interests and a dis-
tinct historical mission." 2
It is this transformation of pre-capitalist producers into a modern - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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