The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 145)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 145)
- المحتوى
In this sense, labor is proletarianized once it is engaged in commodity
production and in the creation of surplus value, i.e., as long as it is ex-
changed against capital within the sphere of production in the form of vari-
able capital which is inversely related to constant capital. This is to say,
as it becomes the condition for increasing the organic composition of capi-
tal at the expense of itself, as it faces capital antagonistically; in other
words, as class struggle begins.
It is in this sense that proletarianization is essentially a process of
class formation: as social classes only exist in class struggle, they are
formed and are defined in class struggle. Social classes do not emerge and
then enter class struggle; rather, they emerge through class struggle itself
as distinct social forces with distinct interests, and therefore with "an
historical mission". The proletariat is the opponent of the bourgeoisie;
these are the two principal classes of the capitalist mode of production.
Both classes are defined in the class struggle inherent in capitalist accumu-
lation, in the fundamental tendency for the organic composition of capital
to rise. Proletarianization and embourgeoisement constitute the dual aspects
of the capitalist accumulation process. Capitalist relations, as a condi-
tion necessary to the initiation of the proletarianization process, may be
destroyed by the process itself. This leads into a finer treatment of the
proletarianization concept; with regard to formation not only of "a class
in itself", but also of "a class for itself".’ This refers to the develop-
ment by the proletariat of consciousness of its own class interest, defined
by its objective location in production, and ultimately of the necessity to
act upon this consciousness by creating contradictions in the dominant mode
of accumulation. This is fulfilling its historical mission as a class for - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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