The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 146)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 146)
itself, as a class fit for self-emancipation from exploitation as the cre-
ator of surplus value for the capitalist class. Proletarianization, there-
fore, signifies the possible development of a revolutionary potential among
the producers of society's material values. This may clarify for us why
Borochov's emphasis on the necessity of Jewish proletarianization and Jewish
_ capitatization for the Jewish political class striigelé to emerge was trans-
lated into the slogan of "Conquest of Hebrew Labor", as will be seen in the
following chapter. It may also shed light on the rationale underlying the
deliberate Zionist policy to prohibit the proletarianization of the native
Palestinian population, as demonstrated below.
Before we enter into the specifics of proletarianization in Palestine,
it is necessary to develop and keep in mind an additional theoretical point:
the process that transforms the social means of production into capital and
the immediate producers into wage-labor often expresses a relationship be-
tween a population becoming proletarianized and a developing or expanding
or concentrating bourgeoisie. Proletarianization is not just a separation
of producers from the means of production but also a concentration of these
means in the hands of another class. The alienation of the workers from
the means of production, including their own labor power, and the access
to, and control over these means by the capitalists, are two aspects of the
same process, The creation of surplus value by some segments of the popula-
tion implies the existence of a non-laboring class subsisting and expanding
its capital from the extraction of this surplus value.
These dual aspects of capital accumulation, proletarianization and
embourgeoisement, manifest the essential unevenness of capitalist develop-
ment. Although in theory it is not inaccurate to abstract proletarianiza-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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