The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 149)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 149)
forced to join the army of the unemployed labor surplus and indirectly re-
duce the bargaining power and subsistence cost of the employed labor force,
thus enabling capital to reap super profits.
In settler-colonialism, foreign settlers with capital are usually brought
in to settle the land, not only extract value. They are expected to find
their workers among the indigenous population. This was the case, for exam—
ple, when the English appeared in the Cape Colony of South Africa in 1906.
They came as potential capitalists in need of a class of laborers to be ex-
According to Bernard Magubane, from the beginning of white settler
colonization in South Africa, and in the process of harnessing the indige—
nous labor, a policy of conquest was begun that would not destroy the popu-
lation but that would rather deprive it of its land and subsistence and
thus reduce it, in effect, to a mere instrument in the process of capital-
ist prosperity. The Africans were subjected to both expropriation and ap-
propriation. That was the secret both of the conquest and the setting up
of reservations in which it was difficult for the Africans to maintain inde-
pendent subsistence. Hence, they become wage-workers, reproduced cheaply
over and over again.
In this case, using Archie Mafeje's expression, the logic of predatory
capitalism has not been replacement of the old social formation by a new
one but rather establishment of a "hybrid" social formation. 1?
Mafeje uses the creation and perpetuation of hybrid forms to describe the
objectives of West European capitalism in the colonies in general, I find
this idea more uniquely applicable to settler colonial social formations,
specifically in Africa, with the co-existence of an alien bourgeoisie with
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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