The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 150)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 150)
an indigenous proletariat.
The case of white settler-colonialism in the United States was somewhat
different. It represented a pre-capitalist settler-colonialism where set-
tlers with merchant capital, by instituting slavery, made their capital pro-
ductive; then, by abolishing slavery (the Civil War), created a pool of
"free" wage-labor. Capitalist relations were then generalized only to the
non-indigenous population. The native Indians, however, were subjected to
extermination, not proletarianization.
In Palestine, settler-colonialism was quite different from the above,
in that it involved more than simply settlers with capital in search of em-
bourgeoisement. Jewish settlers were brought to Palestine as the vanguard
of Zionism, being the movement that represented the aspirations of the Jew-
ish bourgeoisie for a State of their own. These Jewish settlers were mainly
small capitalists and petty bourgeoisie who had internalized this form of
consciousness (as it coincided with their own class aspirations) and were
entrusted with the "historical" mission of creating a Jewish bourgeois State
in Palestine to act on behalf of the Jewish bourgeoisie in Diaspora. For
the sake of this mission they were to refrain from conquering native labor;
instead, they mobilized immigrant Jewish labor, to be conquered by the set-
tlers' Jewish capital. It is similar in this respect to the U.S. experi-
Unlike the case in white settler-colonial South Africa, where the pro-
letarianization of the natives was the function of generalizing the capi-
talist mode of production in a "hybrid" social formation, under Jewish set-
tler-colonialism, forming a hybrid social formation was in direct contra-
diction with the objectives of Zionism. A pure Jewish social formation
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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