The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 153)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 153)
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As recalled from the preceding chapter, this period is also one of
major transformations in world history in general and, correspondingly, in
the history of the Jewish people and of Palestine in particular. The dis-
integration of East-European feudalism, the transition of capitalism from
its competitive stage to the stage of imperialism, the beginning of monopoly
formation and the rise of finance capital. Development along these lines in-
flicted displacement and even threatened liquidation of the petty bourgeoisie
as a social class. As predominantly petty bourgeoisie, the Jewish masses
were severely injured by these processes. It is not surprising, therefore,
that the pioneering ideals of Hovevi Zion and, later on, Labor-Zionism, ap-
pealed to the Jewish masses and mobilized them for the construction of uto-
pian forms of colonialism.
During this period, Palestine was the battleground for struggle among
various historical forces: decadent Ottoman imperialism; modern British
colonialism; a recently emerging feudalism; an established merchant class;
and an embryonic industrial bourgeoisie on the verge of emerging in the strug-
gle among all these forces.
In the midst of this complexity it is difficult to establish accurately
the relationship between Jewish colonial settlement in Palestine and the
proletarianization of the native population. It may be helpful, therefore,
to specify four interrelated subissues:
A. Characterization of the Palestine social formation: the
nature of its class structure, the state of development of
the productive forces at the disposal of the native Pales-
tinian population, as they have special bearing on the pro-
letarianization process with and without Zionist colonialization.
153 - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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