The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 157)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 157)
such acute plunder on the part of the oppressive rulers, accumulation of
surplus value was by no means guaranteed as one of the basic conditions
for entrepreneurship, i.e., the protection of the merchants’ identity and
property was denied. 1°
As is the case in almost all other colonies, in Palestine also British
colonialism fostered neither the development of local industry (except for
the extractive industries) nor the formation of a Palestinian bourgeoisie.
Unlike the case in other colonies, however, British colonialism in Pales-—
tine did not foster even the development of a money capitalist class, or an
intellectual ruling elite organically linked with British colonialism as its
indigenous ally, as was the case in India, Egypt, etc., since it had found
a better local ally among the Western Jewish colonial settlers.
Following Ottoman feudal plunder, British-Zionist colonial collaboration
had obstructed the development of a genuinely independent Palestinian ruling
class of any kind. The emerging Palestinian dominant class itself sought an
ally in British powers against both Ottoman oppression and Zionist invasion;
and by so doing, it promoted Zionism itself, and played an insignificant and
rather misleading role in leading the struggle of the Palestinian masses in
the economic, political and ideological spheres for decolonization.
Also unlike the typical case, in Palestine British colonialism was not
primarily to extract raw materials, but rather to control and use the stra-
tegic location of Palestine: strategic for its international trade and in-
dustrial undertakings. British capital was therefore invested primarily in
infrastructural projects: construction of roads, ports, railways, oil
pipelines, etc., and only secondarily in agricultural production, specifi-
cally citrus plantations.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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