The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 160)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 160)
Stages and a widening gap with regard to Jewish industry. In 1935, Arab
industrial produce amounted to KP 1,545,000, as compared with bP 6,046,000
of Jewish industrial produce, i.e., 20 percent of total industrial produce.”>
Moreover, in 1945 there were 1,558 Arab establishments employing bP 2 mil-
lion capital input, producing EP 5.6 million, as compared with 1,907 Jewish
establishments employing bP 12 million capital input and producing bP 29
millions.7° The latter figures are even more indicative than the former of
the relative structural weakness of Arab in comparison with Jewish industry,
as they point out major disparities in the organic composition of capital,
as between the Jewish and Palestinian economies.
Having roughly characterized the indigenous social formation during the
first phase of Jewish settlement in Palestine, we identify two features
with special bearing on promoting the creation of native labor surplus, and
on its absorption in modern production:
(a) concentration of land ownership, feudal plunder, resulting in
peasant dispossession and landlessness.
(b) the underdevelopment of Palestinian-Arab trade by colonial poli-
cies, depleting possible savings and thus impeding the develop-
ment of modern Palestinian industry.7/
The latter point becomes more important if it proves to be responsible
for the nonemergence of a progressive Palestinian bourgeoisie capable of
revolutionizing the productive forces at the disposal of the native popula-
tion, and hence, offsetting the effects of the Zionist boycott of Arab labor,
discussed in a following section.
One cannot simply attribute the nonemergence of a Palestinian indus-
trial bourgeoisie to Zionism. This point requires a special study, to inves-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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