The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 161)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 161)
tigate carefully the underlying causes, as in Syria and Lebanon as well,
industrial capital was and still is crippled simply by the predominance of
the merchant class.
The absence of a Palestinian industrial bourgeoisie, however, must not
obscure the emergence of a Palestinian proletariat, subject to the logic of
capitalist accumulation on a world scale; this will be the subject of dis-
cussion in an ensuing section. In the following section we demonstrate
that as the commercial fraction of the ruling class was crushed by British
colonialism, it was the feudal fraction of the ruling class that was liqui-
dated by Zionist land acquisition policy and, correspondingly, the peasantry
itself. The following also highlights the contradictory effects of Zionism
as far as unifying/dividing Palestine from the Levant. How land purchases
resulted in the very liquidation of the Palestinian and absentee feudal
classes, transforming same into merchant capitalists who were, in 1948, re-
integrated into the unifying class of the Levant.
B. Characterizations of Jewish Settlement Under the Hegemony of Proletarian
It was not until the second Aliyah" (1904-1914) that the historical
practices of Labor-Zionism began. The first Aliyah, beginning in 1882 and
led by the Hovevi Zion (the Lovers of Zion) movement, was not guided by
socialist Zionist ideals; rather, by the pioneering ethos and the return-
to-the-soil slogan. European-Jewish settlers with capital were brought in
““Aliyah" is a Hebrew word meaning ascent, refers to "Jewish immigra-
tién to Palestine", and is distinguished from "Yiridah", meaning descent,
which refers to “Jewish emigration from Israel." The first, second, third,
fourth, and fifth Aliyahs refer to the major waves of Jewish immigration
to Ralestine before Statehood.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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