The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 165)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 165)
- المحتوى
sectarian sense, closed to the nonJewish native population.
The point is to realize the imperative of self-labor in the sense of
petty commodity forms of production (i.e., the rule of the co-operative
sector, often referred to as the "labor" sector) for actualizing the strate-
gic objective of exclusive Jewish proletarianization; that is, for consoli-
dating Jewish capitalism in Palestine; for sustaining the Yishuv as a dis-
tinct social formation which is Jewish, and which consists. of overlapping
capitalist and pre-capitalist relations.
The labor sector, based on self-labor, as a negation of wage-labor,
was indeed a prerequisite for the implementing of the policy of "Hebrew
wage-labor only” in the capitalist sector of the Yishuv, given the abundance
of "free" native labor created by the other twin principle of Zionist
colonization, namely, "conquest of land".
"Self-labor" in the sense of petty commodity form resolves another
contradiction inherent in the Labor-Zionist strategy, as an essentially ter-
ritorialist strategy: the conquest of land.
Although indispensable for creating a Jewish social formation, the
site for Jewish class formation and class struggle, the conquest of land,
on another level, stands in contradiction with Jewish proletarianization as
a strategic objective and a prerequisite for Jewish class struggle, and
hence, the emergence of a bourgeois State.
This is really the contradiction inherent in "colonization through
class struggle", the Borochovist strategy for implementing the Zionist
idea; a basic contradiction in socialist Zionism. A conquest of the land
implies an access on the part of Jewish settlers to the natives’ means of
production. This, in turn, undermines the conditions for Jewish proletar- - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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