The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 165)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 165)
sectarian sense, closed to the nonJewish native population.
The point is to realize the imperative of self-labor in the sense of
petty commodity forms of production (i.e., the rule of the co-operative
sector, often referred to as the "labor" sector) for actualizing the strate-
gic objective of exclusive Jewish proletarianization; that is, for consoli-
dating Jewish capitalism in Palestine; for sustaining the Yishuv as a dis-
tinct social formation which is Jewish, and which consists. of overlapping
capitalist and pre-capitalist relations.
The labor sector, based on self-labor, as a negation of wage-labor,
was indeed a prerequisite for the implementing of the policy of "Hebrew
wage-labor only” in the capitalist sector of the Yishuv, given the abundance
of "free" native labor created by the other twin principle of Zionist
colonization, namely, "conquest of land".
"Self-labor" in the sense of petty commodity form resolves another
contradiction inherent in the Labor-Zionist strategy, as an essentially ter-
ritorialist strategy: the conquest of land.
Although indispensable for creating a Jewish social formation, the
site for Jewish class formation and class struggle, the conquest of land,
on another level, stands in contradiction with Jewish proletarianization as
a strategic objective and a prerequisite for Jewish class struggle, and
hence, the emergence of a bourgeois State.
This is really the contradiction inherent in "colonization through
class struggle", the Borochovist strategy for implementing the Zionist
idea; a basic contradiction in socialist Zionism. A conquest of the land
implies an access on the part of Jewish settlers to the natives’ means of
production. This, in turn, undermines the conditions for Jewish proletar-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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