The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 166)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 166)
ianization, as Jewish wage-labor requires "free" Jewish labor, utterly
separated from the means of subsistence, specifically land. The conquest
of land eliminates the condition for Jewish proletarianization, for Jewish
wage-labor, namely free labor, as we explained earlier. It also increases
the competitiveness of the native labor for capitalist exploitation.
Self-labor-based co-operatives again reduce the intensity of this
contradiction. Land can be conquered collectively to house the "labor sec-
tor" alone, but not the mass of modern wage workers. This, in turn, pro-
motes the development of utopian forms of living (kibbutz, moshav) as in-
centives for Aliyah, furthering Jewish settlement.
The contradictions inherent in the strategic objectives of Labor-
Zionism are thus accommodated through its inner tactical consistency and
flexibility. Perhaps it is precisely in this tactical flexibility, inher-
ent in the nature of the strategy itself, that the secret for the mobiliz-
ing force of Borochovist Labor-Zionist strategy lies; it provided the dis-
placed Jewish petty bourgeoisie, threatened by extinction as a class (on
the verge of proletarianization or marginalization), with three alterna-
tives: (1) embourgeoisement by assuring Jewish wage-labor; (2) restoration
of their petty bourgeois class-location by assuring the possibility of
land and self-labor; (3) secure proletarianization by Jewish capital by
eliminating the threat of a more competitive labor, and above all, prole-
tarianization for a cause, Zionism.
These premises, implicit in the Borochovist formulation of the labor
strategy for the actualization of Zionism, are very insightfully derived
from the material conditions of the Jewish petty bourgeoisie in Diaspora
and from the conditions in the “territory" of Palestine. It is, perhaps,
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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