The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 172)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 172)
It is not only that land was transferred to Jewish settlers at the ex-
pense of the Palestinian peasant, but also that it was transferred away ir-
This essential irrevocability of Zionist land acquisition was institu-
tionalized in the Keren Kayemeth Leisrael (Jewish National Fund) established
by the Zionist movement in 1901 as "the first instrument for the practical
implementation of the idea of Jewish renaissance" dedicated to the acquisi-
tion and development of land in "Eretz Israel". °° The title to the land
purchased by the JNF was to be held in perpetuity as the "inalienable pro-
perty of the Jewish people.">/ Under no circumstances is the JNF allowed
to transfer ownership of land once it is acquired. °° The JNF was estab-
lished "for the purpose of settling Jews on such lands" as were acquired,
"to make any donations...likely to promote the interests of the Jews", "to
make advances to any Jews in the prescribed region", to use funds in ways
which "shall, in the opinion of the organization, be directly or indirectly
beneficial to persons of Jewish religion, race, or origin". >? The irrevoca-
bility of the displacement of Palestinian producers from land transferred
for Zionist colonization practically culminates in Article 23 of the stan-
dard JNF Lease Form, stipulating, inter alia: ''The lessee undertakes to
execute all works connected with the cultivation of the holding only with
Jewish labour ,"t0
This basic restriction, written into the lease which the JNF contracted
with the Zionist settlers chosen for immigration and put upon JNF lands to
cultivate them, shows not only the institutional irreversibility of the
displacement of the Palestinian producer from the means of subsistence, but
also the inseparability of the "conquest of land" and the "conquest of la-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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